In response to the call of the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo and the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference, appealing for donations to support the fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Koforidua Catholic Diocesan Priests’ Association (KODPA) has donated some PPEs and Medical Supplies at the cost of GH ₵ 17,620.00 to some health facilities in the Eastern Region. The items were donated on behalf of KODPA by its President Rev. Fr. Joseph Afum Attah Asumadu. These items included: Surgical Mask (500 pieces), Surgical Gloves (1000 pairs), N95 Mask (100 pieces), Face Shield (23), Hand Sanitizer (20 Gallons - 5 litters, 75 mini bottles, Detergent (40 Gallons -5 litres), Jumbo Tissues (102 Rolls-Large Size) Carbolic Soap (864 Cakes).

Trust in God’s Guidance in Governance! - Bishop Afrifah-Agyekum urges the President

The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo-Addo and his entourage attended Mass in Koforidua on October 13, 2019. On arrival, he received a rousing welcome from Parishioners and party faithful before joining the parishioners of the St. George Catholic Cathedral Church for Mass.

In his homily, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum, the Catholic Bishop of Koforidua,  entreated Nana Akufo-Addo and his ministers to continue to seek and trust God's guidance in governance.

The Prelate of Koforidua Diocese again mentioned that the President after assumption into power demonstrated his trust in God by organizing the National Thanksgiving Service and urged him to continue in that path." He reminded the President “a few years back when you were seeking the mandate of Ghanaians to vote for you,you always attributed your efforts as ‘ the battle is the Lord's’”  He reiterated,  “very often we as human beings forget about the people we rely on and also  forget that it was God's assistance we sought."


Three full time Catechists of Koforidua diocese have received Papal honours and two priests honoured with the Pontifical title of Monsignors, the rank of Chaplain of His Holiness. The ceremony which took place on Sunday January 20th, 2019 at the St George Cathedral Church in Koforidua was presided over by His Excellency Most Jean-Marie Speich the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana.

The three catechists who received the Pontifical Honours are Mr. Bartholomew Emmanuel Djangmah of St Peter’s Parish, Somanya, Mr. Paul Lawer Kumah of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Akyem New Tafo and Mr. Bartholomew Toffour of St. John the Baptist Parish, Akyem Ofoase. In the same liturgy, Very Rev. Fr Paul Abankwa (Financial Controller of St. Dominic Hospital, Akwatia) and Very Rev. Fr. Sylvester Akwasi Agyapong (retired) former Parish Priest of Our Lady of Fatima Parish Akyem Oda received their new insignia as Monsignors.


Holy Mother church has always desired that her members are always fed with the bread of life, the Body of Christ. It is therefore her wish that even in the absence of the Ordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist or the lack of the ministers, some lay people could be appointed or delegated to serve in that regard; assisting the Clergy in serving the faithful with the Body of Christ. These lay people are called Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These are lay members of the church who are commissioned to assist Priests to distribute communion during Mass and take Holy Communion to the sick and aged in their homes so that parishioners can receive regularly Holy Communion.



The idea to embark on solarisation project which may gradually enable Catholic Churches, Mission Houses and other Catholic institutions in Ghana be connected to solar energy was conceived by Ghana Bishops’ Conference (GBC) about three years ago in the spirit Pope Francis’ Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ to aid the environment and save money.   There has been a clarion call by Pope Francis that generation of electricity must be done in a way that avoids ‘creating environmental imbalances resulting in deterioration and pollution gravely harmful to our human family, both now and in the future’.

On Wednesday 16th January 2019 the bishop of Koforidua, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum, organised a briefing session on the above initiative for all Parish Priests, Priests in charge, Superiors of Religious Houses, Hospital and Clinic Administrators, Selected Heads of Schools and Electric Technicians/Engineers in the Diocese at the Diocesan Pastoral and Training Centre Koforidua.

Bishop Afrifah-Agyekum Praises the Management of St Dominic Hospital


Bishop Afrifah-Agyekum Praises the Management of St Dominic Hospital

St Dominic Hospital at Akwatia on 4th January 2019 held a colourful long service awards, family reunion and retirees’ appreciation ceremonies which was a good note to begin the new year with. It was an occasion which marked the blessing and inauguration of some new structures including main entrance, visitors’ parlor, customer Care Unit, New Delivery ward with Colposcopy Unit, Palliative Care Unit, renovated Pharmacy and NICU/OPD in the hospital facility. These were made possible thanks to the dynamic leadership of Rev. Fr Kenneth Abban who became the administrator of the Hospital barely two years ago and his supporting Hospital Management Team (HMT).


In his brief address before the blessing and inauguration of the monuments, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum, Bishop of Koforidua mentioned that the edifices constructed represent the greater collaboration and teamwork in the hospital. The Bishop while thanking the HMT and the staff of the hospital for their hard-work, also paid tribute to the Dominican Sisters of Germany who established the hospital at the invitation of Most Rev. Joseph Oliver Bowers and managed the facility for fifty years before handing over completely to the diocese and left for their home country for good. The Chief-Shepherd of Koforidua Diocese urged the HMT, staff and all stakeholders to continue the good work of the Dominican Sisters.



Each year the health departments of Accra Archdiocese and Koforidua Diocese hold a joint programme to launch the World Day of the sick in a selected health facility. This year, St Martin de Porres Hospital at Agomanya, Odumase- Krobo in the Catholic Diocese of Koforidua was chosen for the joint launching of the 27th World Day of the sick. The theme for the celebration as given by the Pope, was ‘you received without payment, give without payment’’ (Matt. 10:8). This occasion also marked the blessing and commissioning of a newly built Sixty Beds Maternity Complex Unit sponsored by Kindermissionswerk of Germany through the initiative of the Sisters of Handmaid of the Divine Redeemer.


Fifteen years ago the  seed of St. Bakhita Catholic Church was sown at Old Estates, Koforidua. This seed has grown to become a big tree under whose shade the people of God sit.

The Parishioners and Priests marked this milestone with a monthlong celebration. Among the activities organised were a pilgrimage to the Franciscan Valley of Prayer and Silence, a 5 Days Revival,  Memorial Mass for deceased parishioners, a day with the sick and aged and free health screening over the period of the celebration.

The anniversary was climaxed with a Thanksgiving Mass on October 28, 2018 presided over by the Local Ordinary of the diocese, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum and concelebrated by scores of priests from the diocese.

The bishop as his anniversary gift to the Church, elevated her to the status of  a parish through a decree he read out. St. Bakhita Catholic Church now has juridical personality by virtue of the law itself, that is a subject of rights and obligations which accord with her new status ( CIC 515¶3)

After the Mass, the Bishop blessed and commissioned the parish's new and ultramodern Rectory as the anniversary monument.


Current Transfers And Appointments Of Priests





Rev. Fr. Yeboah K. James

St. Francis of Assisi Parish , New Tafo

St. Andrew Parish , Akyem Swedru

Rev. Fr. Boafo Nawo Francis


St. Theresa Quasi Parish, Kwahu Praso

St. Theresa Parish, Suhum


Rev. Fr. Arthur K. Frank


St. Michael Parish, Nkawkaw

St. John the Baptist Parish, Ofoase

Rev. Fr. Agblevor Emmanuel Callixtus

Holy trinity Parish , Agomanya

St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Tafo

Rev. Fr. Kokobealowe Bismark Innocent


St. Andrew Parish, Akim Swedru

Holy Trinity Parish, Agomanya

Rev. Fr. Ettuah Kenneth  


St. Theresa Parish , Suhum

St. Theresa Quasi Parish, Kwahu Praso

Rev. Fr. Awuah Ansah Michael  


National Catholic Secretariat

Christ The King Quasi Parish, Pepease Kwahu

Rev. Fr. Padi Teye Martin,




Holy Family Quasi Parish, Doboro.

Rev. Fr. Bright K. Agyepong

St. Michael Parish, Nkawkaw

St. Peter Parish, Somanya

Rev. Fr. Richmond Danso Sintim

St. Joseph Orthopaedic Hospital

St. Joseph the Worker quasi Parish, Asokore

Rev. Fr. Raphael Nimoh Appiah

St. Peter Parish, Somanya

St. Michael Parish, Nkawkaw

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Ofori Adamptey

St. Joseph the Worker quasi Parish, Asokore

St. Joseph Orthopaedic Hospital

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Omane

St. John the Baptist Parish, Ofoase

St. Michael Parish, Nkawkaw




Jubilee Choral Competition

As part of the Diocesan Silver Jubilee Celebrations a choral competition was organised during which the competing choirs sang two songs on stage. The first song, the Jubilee Anthem specially composed by Mrs. Elizabeth Sasu for the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Diocese, and the second an optional song.  

This singing was first held in the five Deaneries of the Diocese. Those who took the first position in the respective Deaneries represented their Deaneries on the Diocesan level. The grand finale of the Silver Jubilee Choral Competition was held on Saturday 23rd September, 2017 at the Cathedral Parish hall. In all five choirs participated.

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