Vision and Mission Statement

Commitment – Having the passion to achieve results, dedication, selflessness, determination and enthusiasm.
Faith in God - Belief in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, total dependency on the providence of God.
Faithfulness – Being loyal to the course of evangelization through self reliance.
Family Spirit – Collaboration between clergy and lay persons, mutual support for each other.
Honesty – Being sincere, transparent and accountable for all resources received.

Our Vision:

"Evangelizing through self reliance"
The vision translated into the three local languages used in the diocese, Akan, Ewe and Krobo, shall be disseminated throughout the diocese to galvanize, efforts of all in the diocese towards this common vision.

Contact Us / Follow Us
Address: Box KF 625,
Koforidua, Ghana
Tel: 0595-222-361(Office)

© 2022 Catholic Diocese of Koforidua | All Rights Reserved.

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