When we were anointed in Baptism, in Confirmation, in Anointing of the Sick or in Ordination we were united with Christ, the Anointed One. He has called us to bring his Gospel to the situation we find ourselves in today. It is not easy, but it was never supposed to be easy! Let us be open and generous in our response. We are not alone; he is with us".
“The Church, today needs to enact the Kingdom vision of Jesus more than ever. In the midst of the moral, economic and environmental wreckage, we are summoned to be the custodians and enablers of God’s life-giving dream. The crisis we face is a time of grace insofar as it engages us with our founding stories and with fresh insights, we can offer a new way forward. Let us pray that we may grow and persevere through chaos and uncertainty in order to be more aligned with God’s purpose. May we become God’s priestly and holy people, anointed to serve and with the one who is the Alpha and Omega, may we bring the Kingdom to birth and to fruitfulness in the world,” the Bishop said.

Also, during the celebration, the Priests renewed their Priestly promises and commitment, while the lay faithful also promised to pray for the Bishop and the Priests to be committed to the ministry. The day also coincided with three Priests celebrating their anniversaries into the Priesthood: Very Rev. Msgr. Sylvester Agyapong, who celebrated his Ruby Jubilee as well as Rev. Frs. Ernest Opare-Amoako and Emmanuel Kwasi Debrah who celebrated their Silver Jubilee.




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