Addressing the participants, Mr. George Pantsil, who is the coordinator of the solar energy project for Dioceses that have signed in for the project, said out of the twenty dioceses (including the vicariate) thirteen of them have singed in for the project. He mentioned that two companies have been selected for the contract namely, AAA Infrastructure (AAAi) and Strategic Power Solution (SPS).  Mr. Panstil also indicated that an MoU between the individual participating dioceses and companies has been signed. He introduced the CEO of the two companies who later address the participants.

In his address to the gathering, Mr Patrick Ohene Gyan CEO of AAAi company said wherever they do the installation of the solar system it will remain for thirty years. However, for the first fifteen years the company will own, operate and maintain the system after which it will be handed over completely to the diocese. He indicated that the project is capital intensive and his company investing about US$5.5million which is about GHC 25million in it. He further said the system operates on pre-paid transaction so the users will purchase the energy they wish to consume on monthly basis.


Mr. Martin Boateng from SPS Company opined that the solar energy is more economical and it will help the church to save money. He reiterated that after the company has owned and operated the system for fifteen years all the panels will be replaced with new ones before the diocese takes over. 


Both Mr Martin Boateng and Mr. Patrick Ohene Gyan took turns to answer questions from the participants for clarification. As per the agreement the diocese will set up an implementation committee that will meet monthly. A team from each of the companies was to begin an energy audit and assessment and submit their recommendations to the diocese before actual installation of the solar panels is done.


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